“Exploring the online and the offline world together.”
Online presence of a frontend web developer having over 12 years of experience with a focus on visible custom features and a fascination for the outdoors. Prefers improving customer experience over architectural debates. Also prefers driving over cycling and hiking over beaches.
Proficient in Vue.js and Meteor.js, HTML & CSS, as well as UX, A11Y and RWD.
What do I do as a developer?
Experienced in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6), Vue.js, Meteor.js and TypeScript. I use(d) Sass/SCSS, Tailwind, Bootstrap and more. Fan of ESLint and Prettier, many build tools, most versioning tools and a bit of Docker and AWS.
Used Figma, Sketch Adobe XD and InVision to some extent. Used Storybook and/or Histoire to some more extent.
Read about my role as Scrum Master and my efforts in the Party Squad next.
Scrum Master
Certified for providing the ways of Scrum to the team(s) by being a Scrum Master who makes use of the endless possibilities for awesome retrospectives. Guarantees maintainable code and memorable retro’s.
What do I do as a Scrum Master?
Keeping meetings short and necessary, while giving all participants a feeling of inclusion and of being heard. Organising memorable themed Scrum Retrospectives with themes in the likes of “Soccer Championship”, “Lord of the Rings adventure” and a “Magical Autumn Forest”.
Also fancies preparing Sprint Plannings beforehand, thus optimising lag and efficiency.
I lead the Party Squad as well.

Party Squad
Organising (sporty) events as the company’s “Party Squad” team lead while transforming the Friday afternoon drinks to unforgettable themed events. Expert in balancing coding with event planning.
What do I do in the Party Squad?
Making sure the quarterly sports event takes place, as well as the monthly “Funday Friday” themed drinks events with bites and themed drinks when applicable. I am the main point of entry when it comes to any event organised by the company. I also take care of the Spring Barbecue as well as the annual Christmas Outing.
I’m very active in Scouting too!

My greatest passion in life is Scouting, where my second-greatest passion is building awesome websites. My interest lies in user experience and visual story telling, but my heart lies in nature and the great outdoors.
What are my feats as a Scouting Leader?
Guiding boys and girls for over 20 years aged from 7 to 18 years old as a certified leader with a focus on overall growth. Team lead for 4 and 5 years total covering all ages and active in our larger region as well with regional activities and events.
I make sure all goes according to plan(ning) while being flexible with my team as a whole.. I like to make sure we keep up and maintain high quality standards for our kids.
I’ve got my Masters diploma and a few more as well.
Studied both “New Media and Digital Culture” (MA) and “Media and Culture” (BA) at the University of Amsterdam as well as “Communication and Multimedia Design” (BA) at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
What did I study more?
I endured MAVO, MBO 3 and MBO 4 before the above. I also acquired my motorcycle drivers licence, as well as multiple sailing diploma’s, golf handicap, racing licence and I am tractor, trailer and forklift certified.
I am also a certified sailing instructor and I’ve been a swimming teacher in the past as well.
Check my links below.